- www.google.com
- http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210200/ancient_egypt/egyptiandailylife.htm
- http://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/
- http://www.monografias.com/trabajos7/cieg/cieg.shtml
- http://www.antropos.galeon.com/html/egipto1.htm
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Egipto
- http://www.cusd.chico.k12.ca.us/libraries/elementary/ancient.html
- http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/14036/the_role_of_women_in_ancient_egyptian.html
- http://members.fortunecity.es/kaildoc/egipto/piramides.htm
- http://www.touregypt.net/ehistory.htm
- http://www.guardians.net/egypt/
sábado, 24 de mayo de 2008
lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008
The best invention in Ancient Egypt

Firstly, this is an invention designed by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt, when they and other important people died; they were buried with his fortune for the way that the ancient Egyptian people believed that died people to travel toward their other world. Also with the pyramids can be investigated the culture, for example the mummification is part of ancient Egypt’s culture. The pyramids show us the knowledge that ancient Egypt could take to build the pyramids. Moreover, the pyramids are a legacy left by the ancient Egyptian people which are part of culture today. On the other hand the pyramids are a sample of architecture that is part of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Secondly, the pyramids are essential to the economy of Egypt. The pyramids show culture and beliefs of ancient Egypt. For this reason the pyramids are a tourist place. Many People travelling to Egypt to see the pyramids and they can get to much knowledge about Egypt’s culture. This has been changing over time. When there is a lot of tourism in the country, this increase revenue. This is an advantage because the Egyptian population may have more money and work. Although there are different inventions left by the ancient Egyptian the pyramids are the biggest tourist attraction in Egypt.

In summary, there are different inventions left by ancient Egypt but the most important inventions are the pyramids. These left a legacy and knowledge about the ancient Egypt’s culture. In my opinion this is the best invention left by this civilization and this may be a sign of the ancient culture of ancient people Egypt.
viernes, 25 de abril de 2008
Inventions in Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egypt, they had many inventions that left a legacy of humanity. Two of them are the pyramids and the wooden boat and sails. It has been found information on these two inventions. There are many similarities and many differences between the pyramids and wooden boat and sail.
One similarity is that these inventions were developed in ancient Egypt with too many materials. For this reason, both inventions have been a legacy of this culture. Both inventions were developed because population's needs ancient Egypt. Both inventions helped the Egyptian's culture, because both inventions are preserved at present. finally, the development of both inventions continue until this day.

In summary, both inventions have left us the legacy and knowledge of ancient Egypt. even such inventions are part of the seven wonders of the world. For this reason, we can conclude that although these inventions were constructed in the past remain valid at present.
This is another inventions of egyptian civilization. The plow pulled by animals
Biography of the images
miércoles, 23 de abril de 2008
The proccess of mummification

Later, the ancient Egyptians began burying their dead in coffins to protect them from wild animals in the desert. but, they began to think about the Organs. For this reason, A long hook is used to smash the brain and pull it out through the nose. but the process of mummification was only for an important man has died and his body needs to be prepared for burial. The process of mummification has two stages. First, the embalming of the body. Then, the wrapping and burial of the body.

Isis and Osiris
sábado, 12 de abril de 2008
Egypt and greece civilizations

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008
The heroes and gods of egypt

sábado, 29 de marzo de 2008
Correction of the test
Third, parents wok six days in the week but they have so many work that they don´t have one day in a week. They don´t organize the time and they don´t finish the activities on time. For this reason, they have more activities and work for other days. The last causes have effects.
The first effect is that they have many things to do and them don´t sleep. As results, they have diseases. Another effect is that they have many work but they forget the family.
Parents that have a lot of work don´t think in their little children and the children are teaching to babysitter. The last effect is that they don´t have a family because they only think about work and they don´t have time for other things. For this reason family is the most important.
miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2008
The Egyptian family and his Pyramid
jueves, 28 de febrero de 2008
Life of the Egyptians
What are the causes and effects of the Egyptian civilization?
There are different ancient civilizations. All civilizations have left many lessons on the planet. For this, I must take into account what are the reasons and the consequences that they left us. I want to know about the family, the work, the clothes, the meals, etc.
First of all, Egyptian civilizations are centered on rivers this was based along the Euphrates and the Tigris Rivers and their tributaries. The Egyptian family was along the valley of the river NILE, since this civilization planted their own food throughout this, as they don´t have water. Most of the family worked in agriculture. Egypt was divided between the pharaohs for them was almost a god, priests, artisans, slaves. They had a system based on religious beliefs, under the direction of a character Pharaoh semi-divine, usually male, belonging to a succession of dynasties, possibly not the same lineage.
The second point Egyptians ate necessarily two large meals each day: one at dawn and another at dusk. Leads to Egyptians for go to the market to purchase food. They ate plenty of cereal, vegetables, and fruits. The rich soil of the Nile River made growing crops easy. On the other hand, the structure of the Egyptian family was made up of father, mother and children. The father was responsible for providing his family. The mother stayed home and raised the children. Small children and other female relatives lived in a special part of the house. Much of the children's time was spent in training for their adulthood. By age four the children would help their parents in the field or train as craftsmen. The last causes produced different effects.
The first effect was that the Egyptian civilization only worked in agriculture and they knew develop other jobs. At present the Egyptian civilization leave their areas architectural (houses) where they lived. These spaces are tourist zones at this time. Other effect was that by being divided by a pyramidal structure, many Egyptians were poor and they worked for the Pharaohs. For this reason, the Egyptian slaves were exploited by the Pharaohs and they left than slaves die. Other slaves have many sickness and they also has many hungry.The effect of the family structure was that women were not taken into account when decisions in the family.
In conclusion, the Egyptian civilization is one of the civilizations that leave many lessons. At present the culture of this civilization lies in a world and many people want to see how they are developed in the past, this can be seen in the architectural monuments that left us well to visit and learn more of their culture.
lunes, 25 de febrero de 2008
Ancient Civilization
Something was common among the ancient civilizations of China, Rome, Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and India was that most of them started as a dictatorship, a monarchy, or a dynasty.Almost all of the civilizations had one or two great leaders. For example, Egypt had King Tut, Greece had Alexander the Great and Rome had Julius Caesar.