There are differents heroes and gods. In Egypt, people feel that the heroes are the gods. Osiris and Isis are two important gods of ancient Egypt. These two gods are also similarities and differences. I will outline some of these with reference to Osiris and Isis gods.
One similarity is the relationship, because they had a good relationship. Moreover, they were brothers and were married. For this reason, these are very well understood. Both gods governed ancient Egypt and they also left many knowledge. Neither hate other gods as his brother Seth.
They were also beloved by everyone. For this reason, Osiris was taught by other regions while Isis governed. Last, people remember the gods by their government and the culture they left behind.
Nevertheless, there are some conspicuous differences. The main difference was that Osiris was a man while isis was a woman. They belonged to the same family, but they had very different things. Isis was the protective goddess and she also was protector of the liver of the deceased, while Osiris was the god of the dead and the god of the resurrection into eternal life. Osiris didn´t help to other people while Isis helped a other people. Finally, Osiris is the legitimating of the kingdom of Egypt, and along with his sister and wife Isis represents all the beneficial aspects and love family.
In summary, gods had similarities and also differences. In the illustration above, perhaps we can see just as many similarities as differences.
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